Thursday 4 June 2015

The Beautiful of Tulip Flowers

The Beautiful of Tulip Flower is the national flower of Afghanistan. There is many cultivars and species of tulips. Cultivars are used as ornamental plants.
beautiful fhesh tulipthe beautiful tulip

It grows in southern Europe, north Africa, and Asia from Anatolia and Iran in the east to northeast of China and Japan, Indo Asia. Tulip (Tulipa) is a potflower plant.
The Tulip is most associated with Holland.

the colorfull of tulipsthe amazing tulip

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The Biggest of Genuses Euphorbia

The Biggest of Genuses Euphorbia. Euphorbias are commonly plants that do not need a lot of water, like cacti. Pointsettias are commonly called Christmas flowers. There are many smaller genuses in euphorbia. Ricinus (castor bean plant)is very toxic. It is the second most poisonous plant after nerium oleander (family apocynaceae).

Euphorbia is genus of 2008 plant species. It is one of the biggest genuses in the plant kingdom. Common names include poinsettia, spurge, or just euphorbia. Spurges can be poisonous if swallowed. The Euphorbia family is in the group Malpighiales, one of the largest groups in the plant kingdoms. The euphorbia family also includes crotons (Codiaeum), castor bean plants (ricinus), and hogworts (Croton). Euphorbia is very large, the only genus that is larger is Senecio, in the Compositae.

the beautiful of euphorbia

the biggest of genuses euphorbia

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The genus of plants - Jasmine

The genus of plants - Jasmine Some species are used to make special oil, perfumes or incense. Women, especially from Asia sometimes wear jasmine flowers in their hair. Jasmine flowers are white or yellow in colour, although in rare instances they can be slightly reddish.

Jasmine flowers are well known for their lovely smell.Jasmine is a genus of plants. They are shrubs or vines that grow in moderately warm climates. There are about 200 different species of Jasmine. They are also quite liked in gardens. Tea can be made from the flowers.

Jasmine_tea amazing tastejasmine flower the genus of plans

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Black Rose - The mythical Flower

Black Rose - The mythical Flower. The reality of the black rose is that it does not really, naturally exist. The so-called black tulip is actually very dark purple and the black rose is, in fact, very dark red. These flowers are quite popularly used in "Gothic type" environments or as a black rose bouquet in a wedding where the color palette is of a darker form. There are other less common cut flowers which occasionally occur in "black" forms - they all ooze decadence, mystery, fascination.

The black Rose has fascinated our attention for centuries. Black tulips and black roses appear to originate from a make believe fairytale world. A pure black flower is the Holy Grail of plant breeders worldwide. Their unnatural color inspires a powerful feeling of mystical expectation. If you were to receive a black rose bouquet, it could mean a variety of things. Possibly you had become a widower recently and you received the flowers as a token of bereavement, or perhaps it was a tell tale sign that you had offended someone and the dark bouquet was sent as a sign of revenge of retaliation.

The mythical Flower Black Rose

In the time of the Edwardians at the cutting edge of fashion in the 19th century used to collect them, going to exceptional extent to track down these exotic species of flowers. Will this mysterious flower once more, at the dawn of a new century and a new millennium, become a source of artistic and philosophical inspiration? The black rose bouquet is also the beloved flower of Art Nouveau designers at the previous turn of the century.

With their very unusual velvety soft petals, looking at a black rose bouquet will make you think of the comfy soft cushions of a luxurious and exquisitely decorated winter room. The scent of this mysterious black rose makes you float away to your favorite imaginary exotic place that is filled with the lovely aroma of these gorgeous black beauties. You can imagine, laying on a bed of black rose petals being fed by a gorgeous harem of worshippers fanning you with a big feather plume.

 Black Rose - The mythical Flower

Creating a black rose bouquet is not simple, nor is it impossible either. To keep up with the dark, mystical feeling of the black, one of the greatest groupings is black roses mixed with ivy berries. They are available at the florists throughout the winter. The red-black color of the rose, with the blue-green black of the very creates a perfect harmony. Ask your florist of the darkest roses they have. See if they have "Black Magic", "Barkarole", "Black Beauty" or "Baccara" black roses.

A completely black bouquet is very dark but impressive. It does, however, set off an air of somberness. Adding in glowers or greens with a red or brown tint can enrich the black color and give the bouquet a little more pizzazz and depth. You can also add some hypernicum or chili pods to give the bouquet a firey red tone. If it is around the holidays try putting a little sparkle into your bouquet by adding silver spray painted leaves. It will really jazz up your dark black rose arrangement.

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Beautiful Adenium Bonsai decoration

Beautiful Adenium Bonsai decoration. Growing by natural organic method will make them grow slower 3-4 times than chemical use. Even they grow slower by nature unlike growing by chemical substances but they are stronger, healthier, and more resist with any diseases. Please see table below with our conclusion.

We would like to introduce you with our new Adenium Bonsai Seedlings with "Muscular Root Form" (Rambo Form). We grow them by nature with organic media and fertilizer, not using any chemical substances. Due to this natural growing, our adeniums will grow like Bonsai e.g. antique skin, more branch internodes, muscular root, and more branches.

Adenium Bonsai decoration

Adenium Bonsai Growing by Natural Organic Media

1. Stronger and Heathier 
Not get rotten inside parcel during delivery and also hard to get rotten after repotting. They will get used to with new media very fast. This must be big concern if you are SERIOUS importer.

2. Brown Antique skin 
This comes from nature growing. Your adeniums will be more beautiful with antique skin like bonsai. Growing them with chemical substance will make skin green and not wrinkle.

3. More Branch internodes & easy to do pruning to make them more beautiful
More branch internodes, more beautilful with bonsai style. You can make more bushy branches by pruning.

Beautiful Adenium Bonsai decoration

4. Muscular Roots
Roots will get bigger and become muscular form if they don't get hit by chemical fertilizer. Roots will gradually absorb organic media and transport to all of their plant parts with balance system. Chemical use will accelerate their growing rate and make them mal-function on their habits. Roots will get bigger on first year but later they will become like tower style and get easily rotten.

5. Bushy Style

They will give more branches and pretty symmetric.Growing with chemical substances will make some   branches get loner, bigger and hard to give more branches.

Beautiful Bonsai

Please see our Adenium Bonsai Seedling photos from Natural Organic Growing below. Now they are available for sale by caudex sizes and ages, please email me to get the catalogue price list.

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